You searched for: “more zealous
zealous (adjective), more zealous, most zealous
1. Referring to an individual filled with or motivated by eagerness and ferventness: Andrew's zealous children made a great deal of effort to clean up the house for Timmy's birthday party.
2. Relating to a person who is diligent and completely devoted to an activity; also that which is inspired by an avid endeavor: If people were more zealous and less jealous, this world would be a much better place in which to live.
3. Etymology: from Greek zelos, "ardor, eager rivalry"; from Latin zelus, "zeal, jealousy."
A reference to being ardently devoted to a cause.
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This entry is located in the following units: -ous, -ious, -eous (page 23) zelo-, zel-; zeal- (page 1)